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 Michelle Hancock, ERYT-500
Registered Yoga Teacher

My background in yoga and bodywork began in 1997 when I studied Myofascial Release at the Institute of Structural Medicine and at the Brenneke School of Massage in Seattle.

One of the most impressive things I have learned is this: the human body is continuous in it’s effort to support our lives. 

And yoga is a perfect match.


So it seemed natural after years of  practice I take the next step. 

In 2013, I completed my yoga teacher training at 

Harmony Yoga in Spokane and began the next journey of my life.  I started by doing more yoga with the best teachers I could find.  That includes an additional 300 hour training 

at Twist Yoga in Edmonds, WA that I finished in 2021.

The understanding I gained by learning from experts in the field of anatomy and yoga plays an important role in my ability to help students experience better health and happiness. 

In 2011 my family returned to eastern Washington 

and moved to a 40 acre farm north of Kettle Falls. 

We grow our own food in a small garden, care for an orchard 

and our wonderful Clydesdale, Legacy.   

It is an amazingly beautiful life 

that we worked hard for and we are grateful to have.


 I look forward to sharing the joy of life with you.

All the best, Michelle.  


Professional Experie​nce

300 Yoga Teacher Training
Twist Yoga in Edmonds, WA
Yin Yoga Teacher Training
With Bernie Clark
Kundalini Yoga Immersio
~Jen Mitchell
Twist Yoga Edmonds, WA
Yoga Myofascial Release Training
~ Betsy Shilling / Wellround MFR
Twist Yoga Edmonds, WA
Anatomy Awarenes​s
~Julie Gudmestad
Portland, Oregon
Trauma Informed Yoga Training
~Samara Gordon
Twist Yoga Edmonds, WA
Restorative Teacher Training
~Jen Mitchell and Janell Hartman
Twist Youga Edmonds, WA
Yin Yoga Teacher Training
~Janell Hartman
Twist Yoga Edmonds, WA
Northwest Yoga Conference
~Julie Gudmestad ~Sarahjoy Marsh ~Maty Ezraty ~Carolyn Anne Budgell
Seattle, WA
Low Back Teacher Training
with Robin Rothenberg
Essential Yoga Therapy in North Bend, WA
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Harmony Yoga in Spokane, WA
One River Yoga
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